Monday, March 19, 2012

[AMSTERDAM] Iconic Pedestrian Bridge Winners Unveiled


[AC-CA] AMSTERDAM has announced its idea competition winners on the website. The competition challenges designer to explore a new infrastructural paradigm for a foot bridge in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The first prize winners are a team of Nicolas Montesano, Victor Vila, and Boris Hoppek form Spain. Their winning proposal distinctively reminds me of “German Freedom and Unity Memorial” Bridge by BIG. However, their proposal is well executed and represented. All three winning proposals are stunning and worth having a look at. The trio are taking home $3,000 USD.


Competition results


[BUENOS AIRES] New Contemporary Art Museum Competition from [AC-CA] is on-going and early registration is now open.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

RE l CONNECT Ideas Competition Winners


Vancouver Viaducts & Eastern Core Re l Connect : An Open Ideas Competition announced its winners in December 2011. The competition invited designers to join discussion and share their visions for the future of the Viaducts and the City's broader Eastern Core. The competition was organized into three categories : Connecting the Core, Visualizing the Viaducts, and the WildCard. Within these categories, there are fee steam winners, free steam winners and people's choice winners! Fee steam winners took home $5,000 CND, $3,500 CND, and $1,500 CND according to the mentioned categories.


Competition results

The 4th Advanced Architecture Contest Winners


The 4th Advanced Architecture Contest under the theme "City-Sense: Shaping our environment with real-time data" unveiled the results earlier this year. The competition was cohosted between IAAC and HP with a set of impressive international jury including Juan Herreros, Josep Mias, Willy Muller, Michel Rojkind, and Nader Tehrani. The winning proposal "CITYDATASENSING" designed by Castillo Navarro Francisco from Spain.

In addition to cash prize of 3,000 € or 3,950.02 USD, the winners also received a grant to take the Master in Advanced Architecture at IAAC and research in greater dept the manufacture of self-sufficient architecture. All the selected projects will be featured in a book report in conjunction with the Actar-Birkhauser publishing house.


Competition results

CoARQ 2011 Competition Winner


While we are waiting for the the result of
CoARQ 2012 international idea competition : Plaza Pedro Moreno challenge. CoARQ 2011 competition, challenged the designer to propose new architecture next to the urban icon in the Guadalajara City: Jorge Matute Remus Bridge and Park, unveiled its winners last year.

The first place proposal was from Gwenael MASSOT from Paris France. Gwenael took home $30,000 MXN or 2,370.09 USD.


Competition results

Friday, March 16, 2012

2011 Cleveland Design Competition : A New School Vision Winners Unveiled


On August 19, 2011, the Cleveland Design Competition announced the winners of its 2011 idea competition : A New School Vision. The competition invites designers from all over the world to submit visions for a new K-12 public in Downtown Cleveland. The winning proposal, “Mediation: space, community, pedagogy”, is from Michael Dickson from Brisbane, Australia. Michael took home 5,000 USD for his first place winning.


Competition results

Winning submissions

The Cleveland Design Competition is an annual event so if you like to participate, better check their website often.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Open City Challenge 2011 Winners Unveiled

source :

Urbanite Baltimore has hosted annual competitions which mostly focus on urban interventions since 2007. While this year Urbanite Project 2012 theme is “Healthy Food Challenge”, the Urbanite Project 2011 unveiled its 2011 “Open City Challenge” competition winner in June last year.

The 2011 Open City Challenge invited participants to address a quality-of-life issues brought about by the construction of the Red Line. The winning proposals, “20 Stations, 20 Questions”, by Michael Jack, a London architect featured user-submitted photographs billboards to conceal the construction site and establish relationship or connections between neighborhoods along the Red Line. Michael has taken home 6,000 USD for his first prize win.


Winning proposal page


While we are congratulating Michael Jack for his fabulous winning scheme which is simple, clean, and promising. I would like to suggest checking out another interesting proposal “Seeding the New City” by Lateral Office from Toronto, Canada. Their proposal seek to reconcile common and local aspect along the Red Line. The Lateral Office proposal was innovative, engaging, and architecturally articulated.

Urbanite Project 2012: Healthy Food Challenge

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Drylands Design Competition Winner Unveiled

Professional Honor Merit Award Proposal by Tom Kosbau

The 2011-2012 California Architectural Foundation William Turnbull Competition has unveil the winner of Drylands Design - An Open Ideas Competition for Retrofitting the American West. More than 300 entries were submitted for both professional and student categories.

Chau Nguyen takes home 1,250 USD for student merit award and Rebecca Lederer takes home 2,500 USD for student honor merit Award. For professional category, Geeti Silwal has won professional merit award and 1,250 USD and Tom Kosbau won 2,500 USD and professional honor merit award.

In addition to professional and students prizes, the Arid lands Institute at Woodbury University also awarded research grants of 10,000 USD each to Meghan Storm, Gini Lee, Robert Lamb and Laurel McSherry for their individual research project. The researchers will each use money to develop their study and present their design research and the policy implications they suggest at ALI’s International Drylands Design Conference during March 22-24, 2012.


Competition results