Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcome to Competition Chaser!


Have you ever wonder about the results of the architectural competitions posted on line? Who are the winners who make the cut and go home with prize money? Who are these brilliant architects/designers and what are their statements, manifestos, and vision? Who didn't win yet have breath taking (or perhaps...catastrophic) proposals?

I have. And that is why I am here reporting the competition news I have been following.

However, I am a true beginner in blogging and a non-native English speaker so please bare with me. This blog will be developing and evolving overtime. Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and news on the competitions result. This is a place where you can share your love and passion in Architectural Design Competition, right here!

August Liau, the winner of Holcim Awards "Next Generation" 1st prize 2011 Asia Pacific for his proposal based on his thesis at Massachusetts Institute of Technology : Bicycle use for commuting revitalization project, Beijing, China. August received his grand prize in Singapore in Winter 2011.

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